翻譯自PENNY WONG,Translated by PENNY WONG. 中國原種沙皮狗傳統標準,葫蘆頭,蜆殼耳,豆豉三角眼,亞婆臉,瓦筒咀,竹葉脷,硼砂鼻,黃牛頸,鯇魚身,蝦公腰,鐵綫尾,京柿篤,中柱手,琵琶脾,蒜子蹄. The Original Chinese Shar Pei standards are: Calabash head, clam shell ears, black-bean triangular eyes, old lady’s face, roof tile mouth, bamboo tongue, butterfly nose, yellow cattle neck, grass carp body, shrimp waist, hard wire tail, persimmon butt, column arms, pipa thighs, garlic clove paws. 如想更了解請進入以下連結(附圖片)
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這是形容沙皮狗型態的標準,是玩沙皮狗前輩們将身邊事和物放在狗身上去形容.每個養沙皮狗有經驗的朋友, 當他們評選沙皮狗時首先要看狗的毛眼,什麼叫毛眼呢//毛就是狗身上的毛,眼就是狗頭上雙眼,毛和眼是要互相配合. These are the descriptions of the morphological standards of the Shar Pei, employed by senior Shar Pei lovers who used names of things that came up in their surrounding environment. For each and every one of the experienced Shar Pei friend, when they are judging the dog, they first look at the dog’s “hair and eye”. What is “hair and eye”? Hair is the hair on the dog, and eye is the pair of eyes on the head – both hair and eye must coordinate. 如何配合呢//首先講毛毛分有沙皮毛,刷毛,竹毛,檳榔衣,爛梳衣等.沙皮毛在香港是叫馬毛,有次和趙基先生後再和謝承惠先生談沙皮毛時,两老都說是沒有叫短毛為馬毛,是叫沙皮或叫沙皮仔或沙皮女,馬毛是香港叫的,我翻諗馬的毛是不短,所以我認同他們說法,沙皮毛是非常短,毛不過半分長長過沙皮毛到刷毛長過刷毛就到,竹毛,竹毛,到檳榔衣,爛梳衣等.在上述所有毛,無論長短牠們的毛一定要毛粗,毛硬,毛蔬,毛要油潤,要雅色,不要光亮色,沒有底毛,因為毛眼蔬,在牠們捕獵時,散熱快耐力比較強,毛油潤和雅色比較捱得苦,而光亮毛色比較怕痛,毛的顏色分有,黃色[棕色]黑色,白色[米色],鼻烟色[咖啡色]和尚袍或叫火灰毛[灰色或藍色].黃色分有雅黃,大金黃,火紅袍,黑色以鐵銹烏為最好,白色以雅白為佳,而牠們身上的毛色,只有分深淺,如背上的脊紋比較深色一樣,如有两種顏色,是不要例如黑白,黃白,他們叫番狗;眼就要看眼型,眼要三角型,不能見到眼白,眼尾角微向上,眼蓋骨要突出包着眼球,眼色要深,'再講毛和眼如何配合呢.黃色狗[棕色]比較容易配眼色,因為眼色一定要深過毛色,所以多數人比較喜歡雅黃,黑色和白色[米色]都是比較難配眼色牠們只可配深色的眼,如溶茶眼,粟子眼等的深色眼.而雅黃,大金黃,火紅袍等,就可以,配多種眼色,如溶茶眼,粟子眼,火油青等好眼.而溶茶眼,粟子眼,火油青,等,是好眼色,但好眼色就要配好眼沙,什麼是眼沙,是狗眼眮孔側,我們叫眼色的地方,這地方是狗隻接近成熟時才會出現,我們稱為爆眼沙.眼沙分粗幼,,爆眼沙就是眼色的地方,如一塊玻璃鏡被打破一樣,裂得大為粗細為幼,粗眼沙的狗為主動型,幼眼沙為保守型,所以粗眼沙為明火狗,幼眼沙為沉火狗,如果一隻有好眼色的狗,但牠的眼而沒有爆眼沙,這隻狗己不是上隹狗了。 How should they coordinate? First of all, let us talk about the different kinds of hair: shar pei coat, brush coat, bamboo coat, palm nut coat, and shredded farmer’s raincoat, etc. Shar Pei coat is called “Horse Coat” in Hongkong. I once had conversations with Mr CHIU Gei, and on another occasion with Mr TSE Sing Wei on the subject. Both veterans said the short coat was never called the horse coat. It was either called Shar Pei Coat or Shar Pei Boy or Shar Pei Girl. Horse Coat started in Hongkong. I kept contemplating that Horse Coat is not short, therefore, I agree with their thinking. Shar Pei coat is very short, less than half an inch (or 1/5 of a Chinese inch). Longer than that is called brush coat. Longer than brush coat is called bamboo, then palm nut, then shredded farmer’s raincoat… and so on. Of all the coats described above, whether long or short, the hairs must be coarse, hard, sparse, moist, matte, and not shiny bright; with no under coat. With a sparse coat, heat is dissipated quickly and the dog’s endurance is much higher when hunting. The moist and matte coats have higher pain tolerance and endurance, while the shiny bright coats have relatively low pain tolerance. Hair colors can be yellow (brown), black, white (beige), snuff box (coffee brown) and monk’s robe or ash grey (grey or blue). Yellow coats divide into Matte Yellow, Big Golden Yellow, Fire Red Coat; best of Black Coat is Rusty Black; Matte White is best in whites. On the body there should only be dilute colours, just like the stripe on the ridge of the back. If there are two colours, they must not be black and white, yellow and white – these are features in “foreign dogs”. Attention must be paid to the shape of the eye - triangular, no white shown, outer corner slightly sways upwards, brow bone should protrude to envelope the eye ball, eye colour must be dark. Now let us go back to the coordination of the hair and eye colours. Yellow dogs (brown) are easier to coordinate, because the eye colour must be darker than the hair colour, therefore many people prefer Matte Yellow. Black and White (Beige) are harder to coordinate because of the same rule, e.g. black tea, chestnut kind of dark eye colours. Matte Yellow, Big Golden Yellow, Fire Red Coats can have many different good eye colours, such as Black Tea, Chestnut, and Lamp-wick Blue (or Kerosene Blue). Black Tea, Chestnut, and Lamp-wick Blue are good eye colours. Good eye colours need to go with good “grains”. What are “grains”? Grains can be seen next to the pupil of the eye - the eye colour. You will only see these “explosions” of grains when the dog nears maturity. There are different grains – coarse and fine. Explosion type grains look like a piece of cracked glass; big cracks are considered coarse, and small cracks, fine. Dogs with coarse grains are self-motivating in nature, and the fine-grained are conservative. Therefore, coarse-grained are true-fire dogs (i.e. fire in the belly), and the fine-grained are subtle-fire dogs. If a dog comes with good eye colour but no sand/grain explosion in the eyes, it cannot be called a quality dog. More on Shar-Pei tails by Mr. Li Fook Wah. Translated from Chinese by Peony Wong , December 2013 Pics ABCD are all "Hanging Sickle tails. When the sickle hangs over on the left side, it is called a Left Hanging Sickle; over on the right is called Right Hanging Sickle. When the curl is more pronounced, resembling the hook of a [Chinese] balance, it is called a Balance Hook tail. If the tail hangs over the left - Left Balance Hook; over the right - Right Balance Hook. We favour Hanging Sickle over Balance Hook. Our most favourite tail of choice is, however, the Big Hanging Sickle. Picture H is a Fishing tail. It is slightly curved at the end and looks just like a fishing rod. Hence the name Fishing tail. I and J are Big Hanging Sickles. They are straight tails with a very slight curve. The best is the one with the tail that is almost touching the back. K is a Flagpost tail. It is a straight tail that does not tip forward or backward; the shape looks just like a post for hanging a flag. L is a Javelin tail. The Javelin leans back slightly looking just like a man/soldier carrying a Javelin on the shoulder. We favor the Javelin Tail over the Flagpost. Why? When a dog sees an opponent, its tail jolts forward. The Flagpost tail is constantly jolted tightly forward. So when it sees an opponent, there is no more space for the tail to jolt forward, making it less agile compared to the Javelin Tail. F and G are Gold Coin tails. The one that has it right in the More on Shar-Pei tails by Mr. Li Fook Wah. Translated from Chinese by Peony Wong , December 2013 Pics ABCD are all "Hanging Sickle tails. When the sickle hangs over on the left side, it is called a Left Hanging Sickle; over on the right is called Right Hanging Sickle. When the curl is more pronounced, resembling the hook of a [Chinese] balance, it is called a Balance Hook tail. If the tail hangs over the left - Left Balance Hook; over the right - Right Balance Hook. We favour Hanging Sickle over Balance Hook. Our most favourite tail of choice is, however, the Big Hanging Sickle. Picture H is a Fishing tail. It is slightly curved at the end and looks just like a fishing rod. Hence the name Fishing tail. I and J are Big Hanging Sickles. They are straight tails with a very slight curve. The best is the one with the tail that is almost touching the back. K is a Flagpost tail. It is a straight tail that does not tip forward or backward; the shape looks just like a post for hanging a flag. L is a Javelin tail. The Javelin leans back slightly looking just like a man/soldier carrying a Javelin on the shoulder. We favor the Javelin Tail over the Flagpost. Why? When a dog sees an opponent, its tail jolts forward. The Flagpost tail is constantly jolted tightly forward. So when it sees an opponent, there is no more space for the tail to jolt forward, making it less agile compared to the Javelin Tail. F and G are Gold Coin tails. The one that has it right in the