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一個愛中國原種沙皮犬的老男孩An old boy who loves Chinese Shar Pei

作家相片: Hauhin ChungHauhin Chung


我從小就已經認識中國原種沙皮狗,因我父親是一個中國沙皮狗"發燒友",他最高峰時期養了14隻沙皮犬。我當時以為我家裡養的全是"假貨",因為我在電視上看到的都是很可愛,皺皺的樣子,而我家養的完全不是那個樣子,一點都不可愛。 I have known Chinese original Shar Pei since I was a child, because my father is a Chinese Shar Pei fan.He raised 14 Shar Pei during his peak.I thought that all the shar pei he raised at home were "fake goods", because what I saw on TV they were very cute and wrinkled, and those shar pei at my home was not like that at all, not even cute at all.

時間的洗禮,我漸漸長大,家裡的沙皮狗死的死老的老,我父親對沙皮狗的熱情慢慢減退,最後剩下三隻沙皮小狗。我好記得他對著我說"我不再養了,這三隻是最後了"聽到之後,我不知道為何很難過,我很想問他原因,但我沒開口。 The baptism of time, I gradually grew up, the old Shar Pei dog died, my father's enthusiasm for the Shar Pei slowly diminished, and finally left three Shapi puppies.I remember that he said to me, "I don't raise anymore. These three are only the last." After I heard it, I didn't know why i was being very upset. I wanted to ask him why, but I didn 't speak. 我心裡面很想他繼續養中國沙皮狗,但問太多講太多也沒法改變他的想法。所以我決定接手去打理最後一代的中國沙皮狗...... I really want him to continue to raise the Chinese Shar Pei, but if you ask too much, you still can't change his mind. So I decided to take over it.

哈比 Matthew 黑妹 以上三隻是我家裡"最後"一代的沙皮犬,他們與以前那些狗比較起來算善良,亦不好鬥,經常被村裡面的狗欺負。他們三隻比較膽小,因為沒有大狗帶領他們,經常只是在家裡附近徘徊,不敢走遠。 The above three are the "last" generation of Shar Pei in my family. They are very kind and not good at fighting. They are often bullied by dogs in the village. They are timid because they don't have adult dogs to lead .They often just linger around their homes and dare not go far.


哈比在山上Hobbit on mountain

哈比是老大,性格溫純,不好鬥但很有膽志,保護主人保護朋友。哈比是我想延續中國沙皮狗的原因,我是被他的膽志感染了。我們上山一段路是要經過一個車房,那裡有一群野狗,裡面有一隻首領是很有領域性,只要他一領頭攻擊,狗群便緊隨其後,哈比就要以一敵眾,總是搞得傷痕累累。我決定不再走上山那條路,只好在山腳下散散步就算,避免他再受傷,但哈比總是走上前,是要告訴我他很想上山跑,不怕以寡敵眾,我深深被他的勇氣感動,此一刻我真真正正體驗到中國原種沙皮狗的特質。由那一天開始,我都隨身帶著木棍與他上山散步,這樣成為了我們每天的習慣。 "明知山有虎 偏向虎山行",真不該知道說他有勇氣還是愚蠢。有時候我也會向他學習,至少他遇到困難不會選擇逃避,而是 勇敢面對。 哈比獲得野狗們的尊敬 Hobbit gets respect from wild dogs


Hobbit is the elder brother, he is very gentle.He is not good at fighting, but he is brave. He will protect his master and protect his friends. Hobbit is the reason why I want to continue Chinese Shar pei. I was infected by his bravery.When we go up the mountain, we have to go through a garage. There is a group of wild dogs. There is a leader in the squad and it's very domain-oriented. As soon as he leads the attack, the dog group will follow , and Hobbit will be 1 vs 4 in the fight and he is always getting scarred.I took him for a walk far from the garage and avoided him from attacking again. But Hobbit always stepped forward and told me through his eyes that he wanted to go up the mountain, not afraid of fighting, I am deeply touched by his courage, this moment I really understand the characteristics of the Chinese original Shar Pei.From that day on, I walked up the mountain with him every day, and I also brought a stick to ensure our safety, which became our daily habit. " Go deep into the mountain, knowing that there are tigers there "I really don't know he is brave or stupidity. Sometimes I will learn from him. At least he will not choose to escape when he encounters difficulties, he will face it bravely.



Matthew與哈比在山上Matthew and Hobbit

Matthew是老二,性格溫純,好鬥但有"童年陰影"他小時候被大狗嚇跑了,在外面流浪過一段日子,自此就再不敢走遠,他不再相信人,亦看得出他對自己很沒自信,遇到其他狗時,尾巴總是下垂著。我父親不喜歡沙皮狗膽小,所以很少花時間在他身上,好像是流放邊彊一樣,這讓他愈來愈缺乏信心。 我與Matthew是十分有緣份,他曾經走失過三次,每一次都是機緣巧合讓我找回他。我不認同父親的做法,我認為他只是被嚇怕,慢慢訓練他膽志就可以回復以前一樣,所以我每日拖狗繩與他散步,起初他連家門都不敢走遠,我真有點氣餒,怎麼拉都不肯走前半步。我解開繩,在前面等他,他站在那裡看著我遲遲不肯走前來,東張西望,互相僵持了三至四分鐘,最後他哀叫了一聲就衝向我來,這是他的第一大步。 其後,我讓建議父親讓Matthew跟哈比一同上山去,磨練彼此的膽志,成果很有效,令Matthew到谷底中翻身過去。這讓他回復應有的狀態,變成了一隻真正的中國原種沙皮犬。 我養的第一隻沙皮犬"春卷",更是Matthew成長的關鍵人物,雌犬讓他發揮應有的雄性本領,保護愛人是他現在每天的任務,哈哈。

Matthew半歲 6 months old

MATTHEW上山 On Mountain

Matthew春卷Matthew and Chun Juan

Matthew is the second child, He is very gentle .but he has a "scar of childhood." He was scared away by adult dogs when he was a child. He miss the way home,when i find him back, he never dared to go far. My father doesn't like his timidity, so he rarely spends time on him, kind of like he is exiled, which makes him lack of confidence. I have a very good relationship with Matthew. He has lost three times. Every time it is a coincidence that I can find him. I don't agree with the way my father treats him. I think he is just scared. If we trains him slowly, he can reply to the same as before. So I leash him every day. At first he didn't even dare to go far. I am a bit disappointed. No matter how I pull him, he is not willing to take a step. I unleash him and waited for him in front. He stood there and looked at me. He still refused to come. He looked around and we looked at each other for three to four minutes. Finally, he screamed and rushed to me. My God, this is his first big step. Later, I suggested that my father let Matthew go up the mountain with the Hobbit, walk together, train together, and the results are very effective, so that Matthew cheers up. This allowed him to return to his proper state and become a real Chinese original Shar Pei. The first Shar Pei "Spring Roll" I raised was the key figure in the growth of Matthew. The female dog makes him to play the proper male skills. Protecting his lover is his daily task, haha.




黑妹是細妹,性格很COOL,可以說是ONE MAN DOG,好鬥但不會主動惹事。最初,我與黑妹的關係不是太親近,因為她比較保護自己,若你不是經常餵她陪她玩,她根本不會主動走近你。黑妹的樣子很英氣,可以說是男人婆,連哈比都忌她三分,發惡起來也不是小兒科,但很愛鍚家人,而且很聽話,尤其是我父親。 黑妹是三隻裡面最靚的,蜆殼耳,沙皮毛,蝦公腰,整體看起來就是原種沙皮狗的模特兒。而且她的擸性很強,最愛捉貓捉老鼠,完全遺傳了上一代的基因喔!我對她的期望很高,因為我知道她配出來的小狗一定有水準。事與願違,她配來配去都沒有一隻可以靠近,完全表現她男人婆的性格,可能是那些狗公不是她的心水,深深體會一些前輩說"好狗難留種"的講法。可能有人會話要用手段去配種,但我與父親都認為,這些都是隨緣份吧,莫強求,呵呵。 黑妹樣子惡惡的,脾氣有點古怪,尤其對陌生人,比如郵差、送石油氣的旺仔...因為郵差派伸手進屋像偷竊,送石油氣旺仔經常拿走在黑妹守住的石油氣罐,她都當這些人都是當賊人。每次看到他們都會表現警戒,但又不會攻擊,嚇得他們要死了,我想這就是她的性格吧,天生就很適合當守衛犬和擸犬。





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